Predge Rolling Stock – Operative Center (OC)

Today, mere data generation and analytics are not enough to create actionable insights. Providing information to the right user at the right time with all the needed information for decision making renders true value from data and analytics. To this end, Predge has developed Operative Center.
Track assets and conditions
Operative Center is a Decision Support feature within Predge Rolling Stock. It targets users in need of live information about assets in operation. Current weather, condition of assets, including operational and contextual data, are all integrated to provide up-to-date information.
Having such information available and getting notified on deviating events allows the users to react quickly and make accurate decisions when adverse events occur. Thereby, the Operative Center features increase your railway operations’ reliability, availability, and safety.
“The OC feature is an efficient way to overview the current wagon condition and operational context. Situated in Hamburg, far away from the cold winters in north of Sweden, we can better understand the tough conditions the assets endure and have a solid ground for discussion with all involved stakeholders, such as the local maintenance teams. It also helps us to plan wagons out for maintenance based on their condition at the right time.”
Melanie Ruethenbudde, Team Leader Customer Operations Management VTG Rail Europe GmbH, about VTG wagons in used in Sweden
A user-friendly interface
UX principles combined with domain-knowledge are critical underlying factors behind all our decision support features. The Operative Center uses a data-agnostic approach for data collection and integration. Hence, any data sources can be integrated into the decision support feature.
Predge Rolling Stock Operative Center is accessible through the web portal with user interfaces for mobile and desktop devices. The UI is adapted to your operations and works with both well-defined static routes or a more loosely defined campaign or single trip operations.

Upcoming improvements
We are working with continuous improvements to all our features, and Operative Center is no exception. Deriving improvements and extending use-cases through UX principles is an essential factor for always being up to date. This includes introducing new techniques such as VR or AR for visualization purposes where needed.
Since the Decision Support features within Predge Rolling Stock aggregates information from multiple data sources and Analytics features, we will continuously provide updates to ensure access to all types of data.
Predge Rolling Stock – Operative Center